Friday, October 7, 2011

Autumn Leaves and Ice Cream

It's been awhile since I have been able to update, but don't worry, I've taken plenty of pictures.

In a previous post, I mentioned how Switzerland is very environmentally friendly and loves to recycle. I finally got a picture of the little recycling center that is near by our flat. Like I said in that post, they have these all over. It is your responsibility to bring your recyclables here. Good thing they are labeled with a nice picture otherwise, I wouldn't be quite so sure what I was putting where.

The air is getting colder in the mornings and at night, however during the day it's saying pretty decent. When the sun is out, it's very comfortable. I went with Brett up to his school to listen to him practice. I grabbed some pretty pictures on the way. 
This first one is right by our flat. 

These next two pictures are specifically for Lisa. I didn't have the big camera with me, so bare with the fuzziness when I had to zoom in. Lisa, my friend in New Zealand, and I were chatting online one day and I mentioned to hear that I saw a baby sheep. She pretty much told me I was crazy because sheep don't have babies in the fall. Like the nerds we are, we actually did research. We could not find any information about sheep or possibly goats having kids (haha) so early.  So, I told her that I would go back (there is another farm right by the bus stop near our flat) and grab a picture of this mysterious animal. Here it is... I'm pretty sure it's a baby lamb. Mama doesn't look so happy that I was snapping a picture of them.

We also spotted one of these on the way to the bus stop... 

How cool is that?! It's a moped/motorcycle/car! We learned so much about this because I guess Leve's dad has one of these back in Hungary. It has a seat belt, windshield wipers and a little storage in the back. That storage compartment can be removed and that area acts as a seat for a passenger. If you look carefully, you can see what would be the passenger's foot pegs on the sides. 

I think street signs and other "everyday" things are interesting in different countries. I'm going to try and get more pictures of different signs and such. We'll start with this one. It's by the bike/walk path right next to the bus stop. 

 Also, look what I found... a German titled Disney Movie! I'm way more excited about it than most of you are. It's still kind of cool.

Onward! We took a little back way to get to school. Instead of taking the steps, on the other side, there is a very steep sidewalk you can walk. The fall colors are great!

Ah. We have arrived.

I watched Brett warm-up for a bit...

After practicing was all done, we headed back into town. It was such a nice day... why not add ice cream? Okay! 

Brett enjoyed a cone with cookie and coffee. I got plain ol' yummy chocolate! 

After ice cream, we went to go check out the English bookstore. Brett was looking for something specific which they didn't have, but it was nice to see English words again. It was interesting to see the selection they carried. 

Right now in downtown Luzern they are having a 'fun-fair', at least that's what 'carnival' in German pretty much translates to. It was pretty cool. It was set up along the the lake. There was food, rides, music and lots of little stands set up selling various things. Some were selling spices, tea, toys, wool items, dried meat, other decorations and lots and lots of candy! 

Went around and took some pictures of other things too...

Well, that was our busy day. The days are getting much shorter, so we wanted to enjoy as much sunshine as we good. There are plenty more pictures for me to put up there from the last couple weeks. Make sure to check back soon!

One last picture, found a funny little store in Old City Luzern...

 Ps. The cheese was fantastic!

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