Monday, September 12, 2011

Apartment Tour Thursday

I thought today would be a good day to show you around our new flat. First, let's start with the entrance. In previous posts, I mentioned that everyone kept their shoes outside of their door. Leve had a cabinet for us to keep all our shoes in so that they don't lay in a big messy pile in front of the door.

We also bought an air freshener because after Brett and I added our shoes in there, it didn't smell so good when you opened up the doors. We didn't want Leve to regret letting us use the cabinet... Now, it smells like raspberries... and feet.

Here is the view from the front door....

That leads into our little area. To the right of the curtains, is the bathroom. Brett is busy playing some game on his computer in our bedroom.

Our room with the windows wide open. If you look on the far right of the picture, it's the light button to turn on the lights in our little hallway. All the lights are like this, they don't have the up-and-down switches. This takes some getting used to. 

Our bathroom. And below, a view from the other side of the bathroom.

Here is a picture of one side of the kitchen. The farthest left door is the refrigerator. The bottom part is the refrigerator as well, except fruit and beverages belong in there. The top part of the main door is the freezer, which is not pictured very well. 

The other side of the kitchen. Some nice tiling... a stove and an oven... the usual kitchen stuff.

Oh yeah, almost forgot... off-brand Nutella! Who would have thought they made it?!

This jar brings me to another point. Notice there are three separate lines of text. The first line is German, second is French and the third is Italian. It's so neat to see three languages on every single package or food label. Anyways, off-brand Nutella tastes exactly like Nutella. It's great!

Next, is the eating area. I think the pub style bench is awesome! The benches lift up for storage as well. Right next to the table is a small balcony.

This is the view from the small balcony.

Then, down below us, there is a little swing-set and some benches to sit on. Oh, and a neighbor kitty. 

On the the living room... Directly behind the eating area is the entrance into the living room. Below is a picture of the nice fireplace and door to the large balcony.

This is the other side of the living room. 

On to the balcony.

The large balcony views out the same side as our bedroom window. Below is a view of the left side from the balcony.

Well, I hope you enjoyed our tour. Welcome to our flat!

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