Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lazy Tuesday

We didn't have much planned for this week because most of the exciting stuff that we have been waiting for is next week.... Brett's German exam (Monday) and Brett's meeting with Migration for fingerprinting (Tuesday).

We decided for today we were going to explore downtown Kriens a little bit. We also had to make a stop at the bank to take our some cash for Leve. Since our debit card has a limit as to how much cash we can take out a day, we have been trying to pay Leve for rent for days. Also, the limit is in US Dollars, not Francs, which with the exchange rate, is pretty low. Thankfully, I think it's on the way back up, at least compared to the Franc. Luckily, we have a flatmate that understands, so we don't have to worry about not having a place to live because we don't have all of the month's rent on one day. This is just for this month, for the next month's payment, we'll make sure to start withdrawing early enough so that we can give him all the money at once. Also, we are waiting for Brett's student visa, because then with that, he can open up a Swiss bank account.

It was pretty cold. And my foot was hurting. I don't think my feet were used to all the walking and the tendon right behind my ankle was super tight and slightly swollen. Oh well, just walk slower, which is kind of already hard when you are walking with someone whose legs are twice as long as yours. Anyways, we headed back home shortly after. Downtown Kriens isn't big at all, it's quite small compared to downtown Luzern.

We spent the day hanging out with Leve and waiting for Dani to get home. We were going to get to meet our other flatmate today! He had already started to move stuff in, but he was still working his summer job and that was all the way up in Basel. He was a bartender and worked very late. Switzerland's bar close is at 4am. and for parties and special events, 6am. He stayed in town those nights, which is why we haven't seen him yet.

Dani was born in Switzerland, and is half Brazilian. He speaks 6 different languages. He speaks Portuguese, which is nice for Brett because now he has someone outside of school to practice his Portuguese with. He also speaks English very well. It's amazing to know people who know so many different languages. I wish I would have had the opportunity in grade school to take more foreign languages. In Switzerland, they are required to take the Swiss-German of their canton, English and depending which region you were in; for example, if you lived in Bern (the German part) you had to take French, if you living in Geneva (the French part) you had to take German.

We spent the rest of the day talking. Dani had to finish unpacking some stuff, but then had to leave for work again. The rest of the night was spent talking about movies with Leve. He's seen like every single movie. He told us to watch the movie Limitless. He had it, so Brett and I watched it. It was really good! Watch it!

On to the next day!

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