Monday, September 5, 2011

Our Legs Have Never Been So Sore

Now that it's a new week, we are determined to find an apartment. We have to get out of the hostel, not because we don't like it here, but because it's so expensive. For the both of us to stay here, it costs us about 76chf a night, which is close to $100 a night. It's awful. We got up, got ready and got typing away on our computers.

It's been difficult looking for apartments because in Switzerland, they rent them out 1-2 months in advance of when the lease would start. Which means, we would have had to start looking in the beginning of July. However, in Switzerland, no one will rent to you, unless they can meet you first. Everything is very personal here. They want to sit down with you and talk to you; kind of hard to do when you are separated by the Atlantic Ocean.

We had to find a place that has been looking for awhile, so that there would be an opening. The only thing is, in Switzerland, most apartments and flats are already filled. Also, the closer you live to the city of Luzern, the more expensive it is. We drilled at our computers for hours. Found a couple hits and at this point all we could do was walk to them to check them out. We initially found some furnished apartments that were reasonably priced. So, off we went to try and find them.

Since we don't really know where we are going, and we also don't have internet on our phones or iPad, we have to take screen shots of maps on the iPad. That way we can look at the photos as our map and figure out how to get where we want to go.

We walked all the way up to Brett's school, which is seriously no easy walk. We thought the school was closer to the top of the hill than towards the bottom. Well, we were wrong, but didn't know it until we ended up climbing all the way to the top, then slowly walked our way all the way to the bottom, just on the opposite side. My legs are still sore from that walk. Below is the map of where we walked.

A: is where our hostel is... B: is where Brett's school is.... and C: is where this apartment was.

Once we finally got there, we had no way of contacting the manager to tell him that we were there, because we don't have a phone. We found someone that was working in one of the businesses below the apartments. She told us that he wasn't home right now, but if we called him, he would be able to meet us some other day. She gave us his name and number. Great... that was a waste.

We started the walk home and knew our number one objective for Tuesday was to get SIM cards for our phones.

When we got back to the hostel, we pretty much just sat down, watched some TV shows on our computers and passed out. That was one crazy Monday for us. Our legs hate us.

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