Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love Me Some Quiet Sunday

Not that we didn't do enough relaxing on Saturday, but Sunday is beginning to be one of my favorite days of the week. However, I am missing our usual Sundays in the fall, where it's football, football, football. However, we were lucky enough to catch the Philadelphia Eagles vs. the St. Louis Rams game since it was an afternoon game. It was definitely comforting to watch a little football on a Sunday night, even though it wasn't the Sunday night football game, but it was night time for us!

Anyways, most of the day was spent relaxing and hanging out with Leve. We talk about culture, history and differences between different countries. Luckily for us, he has experience in more than one country, unlike Brett and I. It's a lot of fun listening to stories. Just talking is an experience, because sometimes Leve can't think of the word he's trying to say in English and it turns into a guessing game, until we all figure it out. This works in our favor as well, because then we learn what the German word is, and sometimes the Hungarian one as well! A lot of our discussions stem from these guessing games. It's more fun than you would think!

In other news, the cows are getting closer! I don't know why we are so obsessed with these cows. I think it's because I've never had cows living in my backyard before and the fact that they wear bells around their necks is frosting on the cake!

Then, the sky started to get dark and we heard thunder in the distance. Could it be? Another thunderstorm!? It blew in very fast. You know when a storm is coming because other than that, we don't get much wind where we live... I think the mountains block it. I'm not sure though.

First it was a small drizzle, but then it was like a torrential downpour. Luckily, some time in our earlier conversations when we first moved here, we asked if there were tornadoes here. Leve said no. It sounds silly, because usually wherever you go in the States, you have an idea about what their weather is like in different states. When you go to a different country, you have no idea... so you ask. So, we were able to just enjoy the storm. Then, to our surprise, it started to hail! I was not expecting this. Leve was pretty shocked about the hail, because I guess it doesn't happen too often. This is when we told him about the hail that Wisconsin gets... he couldn't believe it!

You couldn't even see the mountains in the back! The clouds were so low and the rain was so heavy. It was great!

After the rain had stopped, we walked out on the back balcony. The rain was so heavy and rushing down the mountain so fast, you could hear the brook next to our apartment. Usually you can't hear it because the water travels so gentle, but after this rain, it sounded like the ocean, or a large waterfall.

Later that night, we had salad and dinner like usual with Leve. We watch the football game and taught Leve a little bit more about American football. Right now he says his favorite team is the New England Patriots, but we are pretty sure we can convert him to a Packers fan. They are only the best team in the world! So, far we have only seen one person in Switzerland wearing a Packers sweatshirt. Not sure if he was a fan or not, but it still counts anyways.

Another enjoyable quiet Sunday has passed... on to the next day!

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